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ElkArte è 100% libero e open-source. Incoraggiamo e supportiamo una comunità attiva ed aperta, che accetta contributi dal pubblico. Vogliamo ringraziare chiunque supporti il progetto fornendo codice, riscontri, segnalazioni di bug ed opinioni, perché niente di tutto questo sarebbe stato possibile senza te. Una menzione speciale va ad SMF, il progetto da cui ElkArte è nato.


Per una lista completa di chi ha contribuito alla creazione di ElkArte, consultare la lista contributori ufficiale di GitHub.
Ringraziamo per il tuo contributo che sta dando la possibilità a persone di tutto il mondo di utilizzare ElkArte. Per un elenco completo potete visualizzare la lista ufficiale su Transifex.


Fugue Icons | © 2012 Yusuke Kamiyamane | These icons are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
IcoMoon Free Icons | These icons are licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
Oxygen Icons | These icons are licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
Architect's Daughter | © 2010 Kimberly Geswein | This font is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1
Berenika | © 2011 wmk69 | This font is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1
Dotrice | © 2010 Paul Flo Williams | This font is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1
Font Awesome | Created by Dave Gandy | This font is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1
Press Start 2P | © 2012 Cody "CodeMan38" Boisclair | This font is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1
VDS | © 2012 artmaker | This font is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1
vSHexagonica | © 2012 T.B. von Strong | This font is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1
At.js | © Chord Luo | Licensed under The MIT License (MIT)
Bad Behavior | © Michael Hampton | Licensed under GNU Lesser General Public License
Google Code Prettify | Licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0
hoverIntent | © Brian Cherne | Licensed under The MIT License (MIT)
Javascript Crypt | © Angel Marin, Paul Johnston | Licensed under The BSD License
JQuery | © jQuery Foundation and other contributors | Licensed under The MIT License (MIT)
JQuery UI | © jQuery Foundation and other contributors | Licensed under The MIT License (MIT)
Jsqueeze © Nicolas Grekas| Licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0
MailCheck | © Received Inc | Licensed under The MIT License (MIT)
PHP Markdown Lib | © Michel Fortin | Licensed under BSD-style open source
PH Pass | Author: Solar Designer | Placed in the public domain
SCEditor | © Sam Clarke | Licensed under The MIT License (MIT)
Simple HTML DOM | Licensed under The MIT License (MIT)
Simple Machines | © Simple Machines | Licensed under The BSD License
Superfish | © Joel Birch | Licensed under The MIT License (MIT)
YUI-CSS compressor (PHP port) | © Yahoo! Inc | Licensed under The BSD License
favico.js | © Miroslav Magda | Licensed under The MIT License (MIT)
Push.js | © Tyler Nickerson | Licensed under The MIT License (MIT)


Add-ons Versione0.1.0 | Licenza: DBAD | Copyright © Darknico
Google Member Map: Versione1.0.6 | Licenza: MPL 1.1 | Copyright © spuds
Fancybox 4 Elkarte: Versione1.0.8 | Licenza: MPL 1.1 | Copyright © spuds
SimplePortal: Versione1.0.3 | Licenza: BSD 3 | Copyright © Simple Portal Team


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